Become a CVA Course For Cuppers Authorized Trainer
The CVA for Cuppers Course is part of a special project to introduce the new Coffee Value Assessment tool to the industry. It serves as the assessment-based certificate program within the set of learning opportunities for the effort. So, the authorization path to offer this course it is a little different than our normal path.

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To be eligible to apply as an authorized trainer for the CVA for Cuppers Course the applicant must meet both of the following requirements:
Pass the CVA For Cuppers Course
Be one of the following:
An AST licensed in Sensory Skills who have taught Intermediate or Professional in the past two years
A CQI Q Instructor
An ACE Head Judges
A research or instruction professional connected with an institution of higher education with documented work in sensory science
A professional sensory panel trainer
An instructor in an education program centered on sensory science/cupping operated or accredited by a governmental agency; or a similar program operated or accredited by a non-governmental national coffee organization.
Once an application has been accepted, the applicant will
be enrolled in a required, distance-learning trainer
orientation specifically for this course. Once successfully completed, the applicant will be invoiced for the license fee and invited to enter into the license agreement.
The license is a one-year term and the license fee is 140 Euro/$150.
How to apply.
For Current ASTs: Once the eligibility requirements have been met,
go to My AST Portal>My Licenses in the SCA User Portal. Scroll to
the bottom and click Request Module. Then, follow the prompts.
For Non-ASTs: Once the eligibility requirements have been met, go to My Education>AST Application in the SCA User Portal. Click on the Application Form that is your language preference. Then, follow the prompts.
Please do not submit an application until you have passed the CVA For Cuppers course.