May 31 - June 1, 2023
Busan, South Korea
Wednesday, May 31, 2023
All About the New SCA Coffee Value Assessment (5 hours)
Speakers: Peter Giuliano, Dr. Mario Fernández-Alduenda
A one-day overview for educators on the key elements of the new Coffee Value Assessment (CVA). Attendees will learn the rationale and mechanics of the SCA Coffee Value Assessment, including: implications and use within the coffee trade, the fundamental sensory science behind the system, the economic theory behind the assessment, the difference between affective and descriptive sensory assessment, and why extrinsic attributes have become part of the system. Attendees will gain practical experience in using the cupping portions of the new system, and become familiarized with all forms and protocols. Attendees will leave the class with an in-depth understanding of why the CVA was created, how it works, and its relationship with previous cupping protocols.
Thursday, June 1, 2023
Research Update: Solving the Mystery of Coffee Sweetness
Speaker: Dr. Nancy Cordoba
Though the concept of “sweetness” is absolutely crucial to the idea of specialty coffee quality, it has been poorly understood among coffee professionals. What causes coffee sweetness? Can it be modified in the roaster? Can it be optimized by brewing or other coffee preparations? Learn about cutting-edge research on the topic.
Applied Sensory Testing: Sweetness Research
Speakers: Dr. Nancy Cordoba, Dr. Mario Fernández-Alduenda
In this session, students will learn how to do specific research-based sensory testing, including an actual exercise rating coffees sweetness. This is an opportunity to learn more about how sensory testing works in practice, taste coffees of differing sweetness levels, and participate in cutting edge research.
The Future of Sensory Skills Certificate Program
Speaker: Chelsea Dubay
Advancements in Sensory Science and to the SCA Cupping Protocol mean that there will be updates to SCA course materials. Learn about how these updates will inform future curriculums, teaching and exams over the coming years. Attendees will leave the class with key insights and information they need to keep their sensory instruction up to date.

Dr. Mario Fernández-Alduenda
From a coffee producing family in Mexico, Mario has tried to understand coffee for 27 years under the light of food science. He recently joined the SCA as Technical Director.
Peter Giuliano
Peter Giuliano is the Executive Director of the Coffee Science Foundation and Chief Research Officer of the Specialty Coffee Association. With more than 30 years’ experience in the coffee trade, his focus now is on promoting research and scientific inquiry on coffee, and bringing evidence-based insights to the coffee industry.
Dr. Nancy Cordoba
Nancy is a scientific researcher and Ph.D. in Biosciences. She was born and raised in the Andes mountain ranges of Nariño, in Southwestern Colombia, a coffee region widely recognized for its coffee quality and deep-rooted indigenous culture. She has solid theoretical knowledge in coffee production and processing, backed by strong field expertise. Her scientific work is inspired by a strong passion for coffee and food flavor science. Her research in recent years has focused on understanding the interaction of coffee brewing variables, overlapping the chemical composition with sensory attributes in both cold and hot coffee brews, linking sensory science and food technology to design innovative processes and produce new drinking experiences.
Chelsea Dubay
Chelsea Dubay is the Curriculum Development Director at the Specialty Coffee Association. Since starting her coffee journey in 2015, she has designed and facilitated dozens of unique classes in barista, sensory, and professional skills. Today, she focuses on using instructional design principles and talent development expertise to help trainers and business leaders create more effective, engaging education programs.