SCA’s Access to
Education Policy

Education providers around the world have a responsibility to ensure reasonable adjustments are made for learners with a specific learning difficulty or disability which impacts their access to training and assessments (examinations). These adjustments ensure that a learner is not disadvantaged or discriminated against when applying for, and taking part, in an education or training program.

The Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) is a non-profit, membership-based association built on foundations of openness, inclusivity, and the power of shared knowledge. As such, SCA is committed to equal opportunities for all learners to participate in its education programs (the Coffee Skills Program, Coffee Technician Program and Coffee Sustainability Program).

The SCA Access to Education policy identifies the circumstances under which a learner may apply for a reasonable adjustment and the type of adjustments the learner may expect to be provided. The policy confirms the responsibility of the learner, of the AST and of SCA in applying reasonable adjustments. The policy does not affect the integrity of the assessment process: a reasonable adjustment must still ensure that assessment is rigorous, fair and valid and that the result is reliable.


The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) states, “Persons with disabilities include those who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments which in interaction with various barriers may hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others.” (UNCPRD Article 1 – Purpose, 2006)